Sebagai Business Leader, Bapak Herman Susanto telah menerima beberapa penghargaan seperti:
- Inducted into HALL of FAME in 2012, Beijing, China
- FINALIST Master Licensee of the Year 2012 Asia Pacific Region, Gold Coast, Australia
- CHAIRMAN CLUB (10 years in 2011), Miami, USA
- WINNER ISMBEA Awards 2007, Indonesia
- WINNER The Best Indonesia Franchisor of The Year 2008, Indonesia
- WINNER Best of the Best Top Franchise Award 2008, Indonesia
- WINNER Rank 1 Top Franchise Award 2008 , Indonesia
- WINNER Master Licensee of the Year 2007 Asia Pacific Region, Gold Coast, Australia
- PRESIDENT CLUB (5 years in 2007), Newport Beach, USA
- WINNER Global Conference Territory of the Year 2007, Newport Beach, USA
- WINNER Most Improved Master Licensee Territory of the Year 2007, Newport Beach, USA
- WINNER Action Man Award 2006, Fiji